Call for expression of interest baseline survey for Establishing Women Rights by Reducing Violence against Women Project

  1. Background: Mukti Nari-O-Shishu Unnayan Sangstha is a non-government, non-political and non-profitable voluntary organization which has been working since 1990. Mukti is fully concerned with helpless poor communities and promotes sustainable development by creating opportunities through active participation of the stakeholders and beneficiaries. Its activities have so far been centered round the destitute and distressed people who are the victims of poverty, illiteracy, dowry, fatwa, polygamy, early marriage, domestic violence, illegal divorce and torture in its working area. Mukti’s programs are focused on law awareness and provides legal aid, prevention of trafficking of women and children, shelter for the rescued victims, education, maternal and child health care (MCH), Family planning, Leprosy, combating HIV/AIDS, anti-drug, arsenic mitigation, mass literacy, technical education, good governance, health and sanitation development of people and also working for disabilities, sustainable agriculture, vegetable cultivation, seed production and preservation, homestead gardening and nursery, anti tobacco movement,  networking, Women Empowerment and child sponsorship.
    Mukti started its journey with a vision to establish an exploitation-free just society for women, men and children in the area of human rights focusing women and children’s rights in creating congenial atmosphere for women development through ensuring good governance and developing skilled human resource with the motto “Every woman is an equal partner in development”.
  2. Project Summary: Mukti implement “Establishing Women Rights by Reducing Violence against Women” Project in 09 union of 03 upzaila in 03 districts like as Kushtia, Chuadanga & Meherpur April’21 to March’24. The Development Goal of the project is ‘Women are leading a dignified life and their equal rights are established’. The Project Objective (Outcome level) is ‘Improved situation of direct target beneficiary girls and women through developed gender sensitivity in families and communities, and reduced incidents of unequal treatment to girls and boys, VAW, dowry, child marriage and illegal divorce.
  3. Development goal of the project: ‘Women are leading a dignified life and their equal rights are established.’
  4. Project Objective (outcomes level): Improved situations of direct target beneficiary girls and women through developed gender sensitivity in families and communities; and reduced incidents of unequal treatments to girls and boys, VAW, dowry, child marriage, and illegal divorce.
    4.1 Objective-1: Reduced incidents of physical, mental and structural Violence against Women in the project areas.
    Indicators-1.1: By end of project period, incidents of VAW, dowry, child marriage, illegal divorce and unequal treatment to daughters (as compared to that to sons) reduced in DTBFs by at least 75% of old operational areas (villages) and by at least 45% in DTBFs of new operational areas (villages).
    Indicators-1.2: By end of project period, reunion of husbands and wives of at least 65% of total cases handled by the project through its four offices have been affected (case of separately living couples because of lack of adjustment, women driven out from their houses with or without children after torture)
    4.2 Objective-2: Youth in the project area are active in promoting Gender Justice and reduction of VAW.
    Indicator-2.1: By the end of project period, at least 40% of male and 50% of female DTBAs (direct target beneficiary adolescents) have disseminated importance and necessity of equal treatment to daughters and sons and reduction of eve teasing and harassment to girls in project’s operational areas.
  5. Purpose of the consultancy: Mukti Nari therefore seeks to engage a consultant to conduct a baseline survey for the Establishing Women Rights by Reducing Violence against Women Project.
  6. Key consultancy deliverables: The following are the key consultancy deliverables Bidders are required
    a- Baseline Study Report Design, conduct and submit a baseline study that describes the initial conditions against which progress can be measured or comparisons made to show the effects and impacts of the project in the final project evaluation report
    b- Establish baseline information against the projects log frame indicators at community/household level which will be used to assess the outcomes and impact as a threshold for this project
    c- Assess community perception and attitude that provides insight on the status between social cohesion and Community agency between different community players
  7. Duration of the consultancy: The Consultancy will run for a maximum of 21 working days spread over a period of 2 Months. The Consultant will work closely with a designated team and will be supervised by the Chief Executive Officer. The Consultancy timeframe is from June 2021 with monthly reports and final report being submitted on or before July 31, 2021.
  8. Required Specifications of the consultant: The ideal individual or agency should
    a- Be a reputable Company/Individual with previous experience in conducting baselines, midlines and end-line assessments.
    b- Have demonstrated at least 3 years’ experience in working with the NGO sector 6.5 Previous experience in development.
    c- Experience with quantitative and qualitative data analysis.
  9. Expression of Interest Proposal: Agencies or individuals interested in tendering for the Establishing Women Rights by Reducing Violence against Women Project baseline survey Consultancy assignment should present an Expression of Interest Proposal (maximum 5 pages) containing the following information.
    a- Proposal clearly indicating the strategies to achieve the deliverables 7.2 Proposed budget for the assignment 7.3 Execution workplan.
    b- CV of the lead consultant or firm profile
    c- Contact details of at least 2 references related to the past relevant work done
  10. Application Process and Date: Interested applicants should submit an Expression of Interest indicating how to best deliver this within the specified time and budget to execute that by or on Saturday, 29th May 2020 via email to
    Contact Person:
    Momotaz Ara Begum
    Executive Director,
    Tel: 01715-167864