Monitoring Policy


Mukti Nari-O-Shishu Unnayan Sangstha, an ideal home of women and children development was established as a Human Rights organization on 1st January 1990 by some courageous, committed, dedicated and hard working women leaders, led by Ms. Momotaz Ara Begum with a view of “every woman is an equal partner in development” to a comprehensive development of the distressed and under privileged women and children. Mukti started its journey with a vision to establish an exploitation free just society for women, men and children in the area of human rights focusing women and children’s rights and congenial atmosphere for women development through ensuring good governance and developing skilled human resource with the partners in development.

Though half of the population is women they are deprived of all necessary basic needs in comparison to their counterpart. Women are considered burden to the family. Keeping half of the population idle no nation can prosper. Besides excessive child marriage,child labor, torture and trafficking have been additional problems. Mukti is fully concerned with helpless poor communities and promotes sustainable development by creating opportunities through active participation of their stakeholders and beneficiaries. Its activities have so far been centered round the destitute and distressed people who are the victims of poverty, illiteracy, dowry fatwah, polygamy, child marriage, domestic violence, illegal divorce and torture in its working area.

Vision of the Organization

To establish an exploitation free just society for women,men and children.

Goal of the Organization

To establish human rights focusing women and children’s rights and a congenial atmosphere for woman development through ensuring good governance and developing skilled human resource.

Objectives of the Organization

  • To enable people especially women and children to defend their legal and human rights at the local level;
  • To increase awareness towards ensuring accountability at the local level decision-making processes and services;
  • To develop human resources and improve livelihood.


Mukti has developed 5 years (2016-2020) strategic plan to achieve its specific objectives for the greater interest and welfare of the people of the catchment’s area by focusing 4(four) important strategic issues-

  • (1) Protection of rights
  • (2) Good governance &
  • (3) Livelihood development.
  • (4) Human Resource development

Background and Rationale of Mukti Nari M&E Manual

Monitoring is an important component of the organization and project management cycle. It is one of the key ingredients in the success of the project. The transparency and accountability of a organization depend on proper Monitoring system. The strong monitoring system helps to achieve aims and objectives of a project, to reduce short comings, to indicate what to do for quality results and helps to take proper steps for successful evaluation from grass root levels in a organization. The project monitoring component must be included during the project initiation phase. Project monitoring is not a onetime affair; it must be carried out continuously at different phases of the project. In most of the companies, the projects are usually monitored by the project managers or team leads. It is their primary duty to design an effective monitoring mechanism that will keep a hawk eye on the project progress. It is observed that, organizations who don’t implement an effective monitoring plan, find difficulties in understanding why their projects went wrong, and why it failed to create the desired impact, even though it was successful. The information about the ongoing project must be conveyed to the managers, supervisors, board members and stakeholders periodically. The information conveyed gives them a clear idea about the status of the project. Apart from the top level management officials, the information must also be passed to the project members and also to other employees of the organization. This activity is generally taken care by the Monitoring officer/team or project coordinators or their supervisors. They have the responsibility to record all the developments that take place in the project from time to time. They can make use of two-way flow project monitoring, and ensure that the project is implemented in an effective manner. Listed below are the steps that will help project leaders in monitoring the project effectively and efficiently.

This manual is a positive step to ensure commitment towards achieving excellent

Management within the Project and organization perfectly.


Objectives of the Monitoring Manual /policy

MNSUS’s objectives for the Monitoring Manual / policy

Mukti Nari O Shisu Unnayan Sangstha believes that a well-designed Monitoring manual /policy is necessary for its own body, smooth project operation and ensuring transparency and accountability.

Overall objectives of this Manual are:

  • Assess the progress of the project with respect to the proposed timeline;
  • Make necessary adjustments in resources, if necessary;
  • Ensure quality of the ongoing work;
  • Learn weakness and strength of the project management.
  • Redesign or readjust project implementation strategies or project components to achieve desired objective.
  • To guide the management of Mukti to ensure optimum utilization of the human resources at all level of its operation
  • To keep abreast of developments in the MNSUS’s operation.
  • To keep abreast of changes occurring outside MNSUS which can be incorporated within the organization for quality performance and organization development?
  • To analyses the organizational capacity, transparency, accountability and governance.
  • To Analyses the present situation of the project.


Project Objective, Indicators and Performance Achievement plan

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

Mukti Project


Results Indicators Baseline Yearly Targets Means of verification M&E activities Timing/ frequency of M&E activities Persons/units responsible for M&E activities Resources available for M&E activities Monitoring risks
2018 2019 2020 2021
Objective of the project:
Outcome 1:                        
Output 1.1:                        
Output 1.2:                        
Output 1.3                        
Output 1.4:                        
Outcome 2:                        
Output 2.1:                        


  • Monitoring: Definition, process, steps , Indicators, Frequency, Data Collection Process.

Tools to be used

Monitoring is the systematic and routine collection of information from projects and programmes for four main purposes:

  • To learn from experiences to improve practices and activities in the future;
  • To have internal and external accountability of the resources used and the results obtained;
  • To take informed decisions on the future of the initiative;
  • To promote empowerment of beneficiaries of the initiative.

Monitoring is a periodically recurring task already beginning in the planning stage of a project or programme. Monitoring allows results, processes and experiences to be documented and used as a basis to steer decision-making and learning processes. Monitoring is checking progress against plans. The data acquired through monitoring is used for evaluation.

Monitoring: Definition: Monitoring is the collection and analysis of information about a project or programme, undertaken while the project/programme is ongoing./

Monitoring can be defined as a continuing function that aims primarily to provide the management and main stakeholders of an ongoing intervention with early indications of progress, or lack thereof, in the achievement of results. An ongoing intervention might be a project, program or other kind of support to an outcome. Monitoring helps organizations track achievements by a regular collection of information to assist timely decision making, ensure accountability, and provide the basis for evaluation and learning.


There are five steps of the monitoring data collection process;

1: Preparations for monitoring activities

2: Develop monitoring and evaluation objectives

3: Develop / select indicators

4: Select Methods of data collection

5: Identify Feedback strategies and sharing of the management team.


  • Data/ information processing: Data/ information collected through questionnaire survey (QS) and qualitative assessment by applying the abovementioned methods will be duly processed and tabulated by using the customized SPSS.
  • Report preparation: The findings of the monitoring studies will be compared with the baseline statues/ situation and set periodical targets against each indicator to assess the progress made in achievement of the project objectives.
  • Regular monitoring by project staffs: In addition to periodical (half-yearly) monitoring study, the project staffs of each upazila/ district will remain responsible. and accountable for the project staffs will be assigned to each of the project in the beginning of project implementation. The project staffs will regularly monitor and keep records of situation/ status of the direct target beneficiaries of the projects and reflect on periodical targets set and given to them against each of the indicators of project objective.

Frequency: The monitoring study to assess the progress in achievement of project outcome will be carried out on Quarterly, half-yearly basis. The frequency of monitoring study corresponds with the frequency/ time of submission of Quarterly, half-yearly progress report to prepare by organization or project coordinator.

Tools to be used :

The methods/tools to be applied for assessment of the project objective will include the following: (i) Conducting questionnaire survey (QS) on a sample size of direct target beneficiary (ii) Conducting FGDs (focus group discussions) with direct target beneficiary, (iii) IKI (interview with key informants (community leaders and neighbors (iv) observations by senior staffs of the project during their field visits and their reports thereon.

The questionnaire survey will provide periodical quantitative achievements (outcome level) of the project and the rest three methods (FGDs, IKI and observations) will provide its qualitative achievements (outcome level).

  • How to engage the target people in monitoring process

The target people will be engaged in monitoring process in the group discussion and individual interview after 3 to 6 months on the project beginning. They will uphold the overall situations and opine the what is need for next steps through field officer, supervisor, project coordinator or monitor.

  • Who will be responsible for data/information collection and analysis

The concerned project supervisor and project officer will collect data information. The project coordinator will also collect data information during field visit. Monitoring officer is the overall responsible for specific data collection and analysis.


  • How the results/findings will be utilized by Mukti Nari

Mukti Nari-O-Shishu Unnayan Sangstha will make new work plan with the results/findings of monitoring by concerned project coordinator with the help of senior management team(SMT) to fill up the gap where necessary. A responsible person will be selected for certain period to follow up. Progress report will be made through of senior management team(SMT) meeting quarterly and project sharing meetings. The monitoring findings will be utilized for promoting transparency, accountability and good governance of the organization. To achieve optimum results, aims and objectives giving emphasis on target beneficiaries.

  • Process of information/major findings sharing with Mukti Nari project staff and other stakeholders

The responsible staff/monitor will prepare a report based on monitoring findings to submit executive director. The executive director will advise/recommend verbally or written based on the report to all respective project coordinators for necessary action. Monitoring findings may also be share with senior management team(SMT). Apart from these monitoring findings can be discussed in respective project monthly meeting and organizational monthly coordination meeting for next steps what we can do more success of the project benefit. Monitoring findings may be shared with concerned stakeholders to have maximum benefits in group discussion meeting.


  • Evaluation : Definition, process, steps , To Frequency

Definition of Evaluation :

Evaluation is assessing, as systematically and objectively as possible, a completed project or programme (or a phase of an ongoing project or programme that has been completed). Evaluations appraise data and information that inform strategic decisions, thus improving the project or programme in the future.

Evaluations should help to draw conclusions about five main aspects of the intervention:

  • relevance
  • effectiveness
  • efficiency
  • impact
  • sustainability

Information gathered in relation to these aspects during the monitoring process provides the basis for the evaluative analysis. Evaluation is the periodic, retrospective assessment of an organisation, project or programme that might be conducted internally or by external independent evaluators.

Evaluation is the systematic and objective assessment of an on-going or completed project, program, or policy, and its design, implementation and results. The aim is to determine the relevance and fulfillment of objectives, development efficiency, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability. An evaluation should provide information that is credible and useful, enabling the incorporation of lessons learned into the decision making process of both recipients and donors.


Objectives and scope of work

The objectives of project evaluation and scope of work for the consultant as contained in the ToR are reproduced below.

  1. To assess the success of the project in achieving its set objectives.
  2. To examine and assess appropriateness of the project design for achieving the set project objectives.
  3. To assess the effectiveness of various measures implemented by the project.
  4. To assess capacity of the CBO developed to carry on the process initiated by the project on its discontinuation of its activities in the areas.
  5. To assess the effectiveness of the project management process including the implementation, monitoring and evaluation system followed by the project.
  6. To assess the strengths and weaknesses of the management including competency of its staffs for the jobs assigned to them and for achieving the project objectives.
  7. To assess whether the project implemented in the most efficient way compared to alternatives and whether the activities were cost- efficient.
  8. To assess the appropriateness of administrative and financial management systems in place and its implementation.
  9. To assess the system of financial control and its practices. To assess whether the financial and accounts systems are according to the required standard and practice.
  10. To identify key opportunities and constraints in organizational development.
  11. To evaluate sustainability of the effects and impacts of the project in the wider environment.’


Scope of work for the consultant/ process of work for the consultant.

‘The scope of work for the consultant were, but not limited to, the following.


  • – To review of all project related documents made available to the consultants.
  • To receive detail briefing including clarification of all issues deemed necessary from the management of the Mukti Nari (project holder) and the project before start of the fieldwork and obtain necessary data and information from them for proper evaluation of the project.
  • To carry out the evaluation of the project including assessment of its objectives.
  • To prepare and submit draft and final reports incorporating all important findings, suggestions and recommendations, etc to the project holder and the donors.
  • To carry out all other activities for achieving the objectives of evaluation mentioned above.
  • To apply best judgment of the consultants wherever felt necessary.’


  • Study approach, methodology followed and fieldwork coverage

Approach: The evaluation team took a participatory approach in evaluation of the project. Target beneficiaries participated in the process by providing relevant information as they felt appropriate, key informants of the locality including elected public representatives and government officials participated by providing their information about project performance and local current situation information and that of two years back. The project staffs and the management of project holder also participated in different ways in the entire evaluation process. The extent of their participation will be evident from the fieldwork coverage mentioned below.


Secondary data / information review: The consultant critically reviewed the project related documents made available to him and extensively did fieldworks meeting and collecting required information from the direct project beneficiaries, community leaders, elected representatives of Union Parishads, relevant government officials of concerned upazilas. In addition, intensive discussions/ FGDs were held with project staffs. The consultant discussed with management of project holder and project staffs as and when felt necessary.


Methodology: The methodologies followed and their coverage.


  • Critical review of project documents made available to the consultant. These documents were (i) Project proposal document of the current phase, (ii) Baseline survey on the project, (iii) Report on a study on project. (iv) Activity Plans of the project, (v) Dispersion of direct target beneficiaries in project operational areas, (v) Progress report analysis .
  • Questionnaire survey was conducted on direct project beneficiaries selected on random sampling basis for collection of relevant data/ information from them.
  • The Focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted with members of People’s Committees (PCs) which were participated by 56 (Male: 32 and Female: 24) members of the same.
  • Interviews were conducted with local key informants like community leaders, elected representatives of Union Parishads and Upazila Parishads, and relevant government officials of sampled unions/ upazilas.
  • A number of formal and informal meetings were conducted with concerned staffs of field offices and central office.
  • A formal FGD with project staffs was conducted at central office.
  • Held a number of meetings with management of project holder.
  • Review of relevant project documents.


The information collection tools (ICTs) prepared and used for study purpose included the following: .

  • Checklists for interview with local key informants like community leaders, elected representatives of Union Parishads and relevant government officials of concerned upazilas.
  • Checklist for checking project documents.
  • Checklist for FGDs with project staffs.
  • Outlines of case studies to be prepared.


In the process of conducting the evaluation study, all relevant data and information collected had been attached due importance, situational environment had been critically observed, and the consultant applied his best judgment from his about four decades of consulting experience wherever necessary.


The study has been carried in a professional way as far as possible.

Title and Application

This Policy shall be called as the “Monitoring Frame work/Monitoring Policy” of Mukti Nari-O-Shishu Unnayan Sangstha (MNSUS).

  • The rules and regulations of this Policy will be effective from the date of approval By Executive Committee of MNSUS. These rules and regulations shall apply to all employees and project beneficiaries of the organization irrespective of grade, position and category of employment.


  • Process for updating this manual The Executive Committee of MNSUS have the right to modify, amend, replace, revise and or add provisions of this manual in such a manner and to such extent, as they may deem appropriate to meet the demand of the time and the interest of Mukti.All the amendment/addition/deletions need the approval from the Executive Director or designate of the organization.


  • Any change or modification / amendment, as approved by the Executive Committee shall be circulated through inter-office memo / circular under the signature of the ED of the Executive Committee or his/her designate.


  • Revision, with the approval from Executive Committee, shall be incorporated in the revised version of the Monitoring Manual/ Policy.


Conclusion: Mukti Nari-O-shishu Unnayan Sangstha believed that the transparency, accountability and future plan of an organization depend on proper Monitoring system. Effective and smart Monitoring system plays an important and positive role to achieve successful results of a projects, without proper Monitoring system no projects can be successfully implemented. For Evaluation a project or ability of an organization along with staff performance are determined by effective and skilled Monitoring system. Mukti is working for establishing Human Rights and livelihood development for grass roots people specially poor and vulnerable women. For a sustainable development and optimum impact Mukti has made a Monitoring Manual.

Monitoring Policy


Mukti Nari-O-Shishu Unnayan Sangstha, an ideal home of women and children development was established as a Human Rights organization on 1st January 1990 by some courageous, committed, dedicated and hard working women leaders, led by Ms. Momotaz Ara Begum with a view of “every woman is an equal partner in development” to a comprehensive development of the distressed and under privileged women and children. Mukti started its journey with a vision to establish an exploitation free just society for women, men and children in the area of human rights focusing women and children’s rights and congenial atmosphere for women development through ensuring good governance and developing skilled human resource with the partners in development.

Though half of the population is women they are deprived of all necessary basic needs in comparison to their counterpart. Women are considered burden to the family. Keeping half of the population idle no nation can prosper. Besides excessive child marriage,child labor, torture and trafficking have been additional problems. Mukti is fully concerned with helpless poor communities and promotes sustainable development by creating opportunities through active participation of their stakeholders and beneficiaries. Its activities have so far been centered round the destitute and distressed people who are the victims of poverty, illiteracy, dowry fatwah, polygamy, child marriage, domestic violence, illegal divorce and torture in its working area.

Vision of the Organization

To establish an exploitation free just society for women,men and children.

Goal of the Organization

To establish human rights focusing women and children’s rights and a congenial atmosphere for woman development through ensuring good governance and developing skilled human resource.

Objectives of the Organization

  • To enable people especially women and children to defend their legal and human rights at the local level;
  • To increase awareness towards ensuring accountability at the local level decision-making processes and services;
  • To develop human resources and improve livelihood.


Mukti has developed 5 years (2016-2020) strategic plan to achieve its specific objectives for the greater interest and welfare of the people of the catchment’s area by focusing 4(four) important strategic issues-

  • (1) Protection of rights
  • (2) Good governance &
  • (3) Livelihood development.
  • (4) Human Resource development

Background and Rationale of Mukti Nari M&E Manual

Monitoring is an important component of the organization and project management cycle. It is one of the key ingredients in the success of the project. The transparency and accountability of a organization depend on proper Monitoring system. The strong monitoring system helps to achieve aims and objectives of a project, to reduce short comings, to indicate what to do for quality results and helps to take proper steps for successful evaluation from grass root levels in a organization. The project monitoring component must be included during the project initiation phase. Project monitoring is not a onetime affair; it must be carried out continuously at different phases of the project. In most of the companies, the projects are usually monitored by the project managers or team leads. It is their primary duty to design an effective monitoring mechanism that will keep a hawk eye on the project progress. It is observed that, organizations who don’t implement an effective monitoring plan, find difficulties in understanding why their projects went wrong, and why it failed to create the desired impact, even though it was successful. The information about the ongoing project must be conveyed to the managers, supervisors, board members and stakeholders periodically. The information conveyed gives them a clear idea about the status of the project. Apart from the top level management officials, the information must also be passed to the project members and also to other employees of the organization. This activity is generally taken care by the Monitoring officer/team or project coordinators or their supervisors. They have the responsibility to record all the developments that take place in the project from time to time. They can make use of two-way flow project monitoring, and ensure that the project is implemented in an effective manner. Listed below are the steps that will help project leaders in monitoring the project effectively and efficiently.

This manual is a positive step to ensure commitment towards achieving excellent

Management within the Project and organization perfectly.


Objectives of the Monitoring Manual /policy

MNSUS’s objectives for the Monitoring Manual / policy

Mukti Nari O Shisu Unnayan Sangstha believes that a well-designed Monitoring manual /policy is necessary for its own body, smooth project operation and ensuring transparency and accountability.

Overall objectives of this Manual are:

  • Assess the progress of the project with respect to the proposed timeline;
  • Make necessary adjustments in resources, if necessary;
  • Ensure quality of the ongoing work;
  • Learn weakness and strength of the project management.
  • Redesign or readjust project implementation strategies or project components to achieve desired objective.
  • To guide the management of Mukti to ensure optimum utilization of the human resources at all level of its operation
  • To keep abreast of developments in the MNSUS’s operation.
  • To keep abreast of changes occurring outside MNSUS which can be incorporated within the organization for quality performance and organization development?
  • To analyses the organizational capacity, transparency, accountability and governance.
  • To Analyses the present situation of the project.


Project Objective, Indicators and Performance Achievement plan

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

Mukti Project

  • Monitoring: Definition, process, steps , Indicators, Frequency, Data Collection Process.

Tools to be used

Monitoring is the systematic and routine collection of information from projects and programmes for four main purposes:

  • To learn from experiences to improve practices and activities in the future;
  • To have internal and external accountability of the resources used and the results obtained;
  • To take informed decisions on the future of the initiative;
  • To promote empowerment of beneficiaries of the initiative.

Monitoring is a periodically recurring task already beginning in the planning stage of a project or programme. Monitoring allows results, processes and experiences to be documented and used as a basis to steer decision-making and learning processes. Monitoring is checking progress against plans. The data acquired through monitoring is used for evaluation.

Monitoring: Definition: Monitoring is the collection and analysis of information about a project or programme, undertaken while the project/programme is ongoing./

Monitoring can be defined as a continuing function that aims primarily to provide the management and main stakeholders of an ongoing intervention with early indications of progress, or lack thereof, in the achievement of results. An ongoing intervention might be a project, program or other kind of support to an outcome. Monitoring helps organizations track achievements by a regular collection of information to assist timely decision making, ensure accountability, and provide the basis for evaluation and learning.


There are five steps of the monitoring data collection process;

1: Preparations for monitoring activities

2: Develop monitoring and evaluation objectives

3: Develop / select indicators

4: Select Methods of data collection

5: Identify Feedback strategies and sharing of the management team.


  • Data/ information processing: Data/ information collected through questionnaire survey (QS) and qualitative assessment by applying the abovementioned methods will be duly processed and tabulated by using the customized SPSS.
  • Report preparation: The findings of the monitoring studies will be compared with the baseline statues/ situation and set periodical targets against each indicator to assess the progress made in achievement of the project objectives.
  • Regular monitoring by project staffs: In addition to periodical (half-yearly) monitoring study, the project staffs of each upazila/ district will remain responsible. and accountable for the project staffs will be assigned to each of the project in the beginning of project implementation. The project staffs will regularly monitor and keep records of situation/ status of the direct target beneficiaries of the projects and reflect on periodical targets set and given to them against each of the indicators of project objective.

Frequency: The monitoring study to assess the progress in achievement of project outcome will be carried out on Quarterly, half-yearly basis. The frequency of monitoring study corresponds with the frequency/ time of submission of Quarterly, half-yearly progress report to prepare by organization or project coordinator.

Tools to be used :

The methods/tools to be applied for assessment of the project objective will include the following: (i) Conducting questionnaire survey (QS) on a sample size of direct target beneficiary (ii) Conducting FGDs (focus group discussions) with direct target beneficiary, (iii) IKI (interview with key informants (community leaders and neighbors (iv) observations by senior staffs of the project during their field visits and their reports thereon.

The questionnaire survey will provide periodical quantitative achievements (outcome level) of the project and the rest three methods (FGDs, IKI and observations) will provide its qualitative achievements (outcome level).

  • How to engage the target people in monitoring process

The target people will be engaged in monitoring process in the group discussion and individual interview after 3 to 6 months on the project beginning. They will uphold the overall situations and opine the what is need for next steps through field officer, supervisor, project coordinator or monitor.

  • Who will be responsible for data/information collection and analysis

The concerned project supervisor and project officer will collect data information. The project coordinator will also collect data information during field visit. Monitoring officer is the overall responsible for specific data collection and analysis.


  • How the results/findings will be utilized by Mukti Nari

Mukti Nari-O-Shishu Unnayan Sangstha will make new work plan with the results/findings of monitoring by concerned project coordinator with the help of senior management team(SMT) to fill up the gap where necessary. A responsible person will be selected for certain period to follow up. Progress report will be made through of senior management team(SMT) meeting quarterly and project sharing meetings. The monitoring findings will be utilized for promoting transparency, accountability and good governance of the organization. To achieve optimum results, aims and objectives giving emphasis on target beneficiaries.

  • Process of information/major findings sharing with Mukti Nari project staff and other stakeholders

The responsible staff/monitor will prepare a report based on monitoring findings to submit executive director. The executive director will advise/recommend verbally or written based on the report to all respective project coordinators for necessary action. Monitoring findings may also be share with senior management team(SMT). Apart from these monitoring findings can be discussed in respective project monthly meeting and organizational monthly coordination meeting for next steps what we can do more success of the project benefit. Monitoring findings may be shared with concerned stakeholders to have maximum benefits in group discussion meeting.


  • Evaluation : Definition, process, steps , To Frequency

Definition of Evaluation :

Evaluation is assessing, as systematically and objectively as possible, a completed project or programme (or a phase of an ongoing project or programme that has been completed). Evaluations appraise data and information that inform strategic decisions, thus improving the project or programme in the future.

Evaluations should help to draw conclusions about five main aspects of the intervention:

  • relevance
  • effectiveness
  • efficiency
  • impact
  • sustainability

Information gathered in relation to these aspects during the monitoring process provides the basis for the evaluative analysis. Evaluation is the periodic, retrospective assessment of an organisation, project or programme that might be conducted internally or by external independent evaluators.

Evaluation is the systematic and objective assessment of an on-going or completed project, program, or policy, and its design, implementation and results. The aim is to determine the relevance and fulfillment of objectives, development efficiency, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability. An evaluation should provide information that is credible and useful, enabling the incorporation of lessons learned into the decision making process of both recipients and donors.


Objectives and scope of work

The objectives of project evaluation and scope of work for the consultant as contained in the ToR are reproduced below.

  1. To assess the success of the project in achieving its set objectives.
  2. To examine and assess appropriateness of the project design for achieving the set project objectives.
  3. To assess the effectiveness of various measures implemented by the project.
  4. To assess capacity of the CBO developed to carry on the process initiated by the project on its discontinuation of its activities in the areas.
  5. To assess the effectiveness of the project management process including the implementation, monitoring and evaluation system followed by the project.
  6. To assess the strengths and weaknesses of the management including competency of its staffs for the jobs assigned to them and for achieving the project objectives.
  7. To assess whether the project implemented in the most efficient way compared to alternatives and whether the activities were cost- efficient.
  8. To assess the appropriateness of administrative and financial management systems in place and its implementation.
  9. To assess the system of financial control and its practices. To assess whether the financial and accounts systems are according to the required standard and practice.
  10. To identify key opportunities and constraints in organizational development.
  11. To evaluate sustainability of the effects and impacts of the project in the wider environment.’


Scope of work for the consultant/ process of work for the consultant.

‘The scope of work for the consultant were, but not limited to, the following.


  • – To review of all project related documents made available to the consultants.
  • To receive detail briefing including clarification of all issues deemed necessary from the management of the Mukti Nari (project holder) and the project before start of the fieldwork and obtain necessary data and information from them for proper evaluation of the project.
  • To carry out the evaluation of the project including assessment of its objectives.
  • To prepare and submit draft and final reports incorporating all important findings, suggestions and recommendations, etc to the project holder and the donors.
  • To carry out all other activities for achieving the objectives of evaluation mentioned above.
  • To apply best judgment of the consultants wherever felt necessary.’


  • Study approach, methodology followed and fieldwork coverage

Approach: The evaluation team took a participatory approach in evaluation of the project. Target beneficiaries participated in the process by providing relevant information as they felt appropriate, key informants of the locality including elected public representatives and government officials participated by providing their information about project performance and local current situation information and that of two years back. The project staffs and the management of project holder also participated in different ways in the entire evaluation process. The extent of their participation will be evident from the fieldwork coverage mentioned below.


Secondary data / information review: The consultant critically reviewed the project related documents made available to him and extensively did fieldworks meeting and collecting required information from the direct project beneficiaries, community leaders, elected representatives of Union Parishads, relevant government officials of concerned upazilas. In addition, intensive discussions/ FGDs were held with project staffs. The consultant discussed with management of project holder and project staffs as and when felt necessary.


Methodology: The methodologies followed and their coverage.


  • Critical review of project documents made available to the consultant. These documents were (i) Project proposal document of the current phase, (ii) Baseline survey on the project, (iii) Report on a study on project. (iv) Activity Plans of the project, (v) Dispersion of direct target beneficiaries in project operational areas, (v) Progress report analysis .
  • Questionnaire survey was conducted on direct project beneficiaries selected on random sampling basis for collection of relevant data/ information from them.
  • The Focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted with members of People’s Committees (PCs) which were participated by 56 (Male: 32 and Female: 24) members of the same.
  • Interviews were conducted with local key informants like community leaders, elected representatives of Union Parishads and Upazila Parishads, and relevant government officials of sampled unions/ upazilas.
  • A number of formal and informal meetings were conducted with concerned staffs of field offices and central office.
  • A formal FGD with project staffs was conducted at central office.
  • Held a number of meetings with management of project holder.
  • Review of relevant project documents.


The information collection tools (ICTs) prepared and used for study purpose included the following: .

  • Checklists for interview with local key informants like community leaders, elected representatives of Union Parishads and relevant government officials of concerned upazilas.
  • Checklist for checking project documents.
  • Checklist for FGDs with project staffs.
  • Outlines of case studies to be prepared.


In the process of conducting the evaluation study, all relevant data and information collected had been attached due importance, situational environment had been critically observed, and the consultant applied his best judgment from his about four decades of consulting experience wherever necessary.


The study has been carried in a professional way as far as possible.

Title and Application

This Policy shall be called as the “Monitoring Frame work/Monitoring Policy” of Mukti Nari-O-Shishu Unnayan Sangstha (MNSUS).

  • The rules and regulations of this Policy will be effective from the date of approval By Executive Committee of MNSUS. These rules and regulations shall apply to all employees and project beneficiaries of the organization irrespective of grade, position and category of employment.


  • Process for updating this manual The Executive Committee of MNSUS have the right to modify, amend, replace, revise and or add provisions of this manual in such a manner and to such extent, as they may deem appropriate to meet the demand of the time and the interest of Mukti.All the amendment/addition/deletions need the approval from the Executive Director or designate of the organization.


  • Any change or modification / amendment, as approved by the Executive Committee shall be circulated through inter-office memo / circular under the signature of the ED of the Executive Committee or his/her designate.


  • Revision, with the approval from Executive Committee, shall be incorporated in the revised version of the Monitoring Manual/ Policy.


Conclusion: Mukti Nari-O-shishu Unnayan Sangstha believed that the transparency, accountability and future plan of an organization depend on proper Monitoring system. Effective and smart Monitoring system plays an important and positive role to achieve successful results of a projects, without proper Monitoring system no projects can be successfully implemented. For Evaluation a project or ability of an organization along with staff performance are determined by effective and skilled Monitoring system. Mukti is working for establishing Human Rights and livelihood development for grass roots people specially poor and vulnerable women. For a sustainable development and optimum impact Mukti has made a Monitoring Manual.