Training Policy

Physical Address: 22/1, Titumir Road, Thanapara, Kushtia, Bangladesh.
Mobile: +88-01716406976
Mukti Nari-O-Shishu Unnayan Sangstha, an ideal home of women and children development was established as a Human Rights organization on 1st January 1990 by some courageous, committed, dedicated and hard working women leaders, led by Ms. Momotaz Ara Begum with a view of “every woman is an equal partner in development” to a comprehensive development of the distressed and under privileged women and children. Mukti started its journey with a vision to establish an exploitation free just society for women, men and children in the area of human rights focusing women and children’s rights and congenial atmosphere for women development through ensuring good governance and developing skilled human resource with the partners in development.
Though half of the population is women they are deprived of all necessary basic needs in comparison to their counterpart. Women are considered burden to the family. Keeping half of the population idle no nation can prosper. Besides excessive child labor, torture and trafficking have been additional problems. Mukti is fully concerned with helpless poor communities and promotes sustainable development by creating opportunities through active participation of their stakeholders and beneficiaries. Its activities have so far been centered round the destitute and distressed people who are the victims of poverty, illiteracy, dowry fatwah, polygamy, early marriage, domestic violence, illegal divorce and torture in its working area.
Vision of the Organization
To establish an exploitation free just society for women, men and children.
Goal of the Organization
To establish human rights focusing women and children’s rights and a congenial atmosphere for woman development through ensuring good governance and developing skilled human resource.
Objectives of the Organization
- To enable people especially women and children to defend their legal and human rights at the local level;
- To increase awareness towards ensuring accountability at the local level decision-making processes and services;
- To develop human resources and improve livelihood.
Title and Application
This Policy shall be called as the “Training Policy” of Mukti Nari-O-Shishu Unnayan Sangstha (MNSUS).
- The rules and regulations of this Policy will be effective from the date of approval By Executive Committee of MNSUS. These rules and regulations shall apply to all employees and project beneficiaries of the organization irrespective of grade, position and category of employment.
- Process for updating this manual The Executive Committee of MNSUS have the right to modify, amend, replace, revise and or add provisions of this manual in such a manner and to such extent, as they may deem appropriate to meet the demand of the time and the interest of Mukti. All the amendment/ addition/ deletions need the approval from the Executive Director or designate of the organization.
- Any change or modification / amendment, as approved by the Executive Committee shall be circulated through inter-office memo / circular under the signature of the ED of the Executive Committee or his/ her designate.
- Revision, with the approval from Executive Committee, shall be incorporated in the revised version of the Training Policy.
Statements of Policy
MNSUS believes that appropriate forms of training and education contribute to Human Resources Development by the way of upgrading the job skills and benefit of both employee and the organization. A training program gives management an opportunity to explain carefully and clearly its policies, rules and regulations. It must be emphasized that training is not concerned only with new employees but also is necessary for the employees’ career growth in the organisation. Training for female staff at all levels will be encouraged in order to develop their capabilities and ensure more equal participation in the organizational management and development process. In the process of selection for training, preference will be given to equally deserving women employees at their level. Depending on available fund, MNSUS should encourage the professional development of its employees in order to be as effective as possible in its activities. The training programs chosen should address the actual needs identified and expressed during performance Evaluation sessions.
MNSUS’s objectives for the staff development and training are:
- (a) To help the staff to learn how to perform their job or do it better and teach the new staff counterparts and beneficiaries.
- (b) To encourage staff to acquire new skills or to improve their existing skills and increase their job knowledge and efficiency.
- (c) To provide appropriate training as per the need of the employee and within available resources of the organization.
- (d) Account section is important part of an organization. For the transparency accountability and make the account section capable and skilled on modern computer based software necessary training will be provided.
- (e) To identify the potential and suitable employees for other positions.
- (f) To keep abreast of developments in the MNSUS’s operation.
- (g) To keep abreast of changes occurring outside MNSUS which can be incorporated within the organization for quality performance and organization development.
Types of Training
MNSUS will have various types of training which are stated below:
(I) In- House Training:
MNSUS head office or the project office shall provide training to staff by using the skills and experience of any senior staff, in house trainers, or consultants. In-house training will be designed and managed by the concerned section, or office or may be in collaboration with the HR department. On the Job training, classroom training or combination of both and any arranged special training is the examples of the In-house training.
(II) External training:
This is especially valuable if the external training can provide expertise or sharing of experiences that is not available in the organization. For some employees external training may be utilized to enhance, up to date, or develop specific skills. MNSUS employees who receive external training will subsequently orient colleagues and counterparts.
(a) In-Country External training
Any budgetary In-country external training of staff can be arranged provided that:
- i) In-house training resources are not adequate
- ii) The training meets the organizational need
(b) External training for MNSUS ’s other country program
For a specific training need of employees or organisation, MNSUS may seek to arrange
training for employees in other MNSUS country programmes subject to:
- MNSUS does not have its own resources.
- Availability of training resources in the second country.
iii. The training covers the budgetary provision.
- Employee’s absence from project/ office does not affect the programme/ official work.
such training shall be arranged by the HR if approved by the Executive Director or designate.
(c) Other Country Training
External training in the other countries may be arranged only when the following criteria are met:
- i) Specific training needs for MNSUS
- ii) MNSUS training resources are not available
iii) Such training is not available within the country
- iv) Funding is available: such training shall be arranged by the HR if approved by the Executive Director /Chairman/ designate.
- v) Long term training for the need of MNSUS As a special case and for future need of the organization MNSUS may arrange long term training (In-country or abroad) for a deserving employee. This type of
Training will take place as part of a long term human resource need of the organization. This is a long- term investment of the organization and decision for such arrangement can only be made by the Executive Director or designate. Selection of staff for long term training should be on the basis of:
- Organization’s need for that particular field of knowledge.
- The organizations planned future staffing structure and resulting post creation or change in roles and responsibility.
- Terms of Reference (TOR) must be prepared for any long term training course.
Training budget: In order to ensure the proper use of the project budget, the trainer/line manager will submit the demand note/requisition for sanctioned money for training to project coordinator. After approval of the requisition by the proper authority, the sanctioned money will be utilized for training purposes.
Training allowance: If training is held in the own organization, the staffs will not receive any allowance, but if training is held outside, the staffs will enjoy the honorarium of the training allowance given. In the same way if any training is held under any project, the participants will receive the allowance/honorarium of the project allocation.
Training place/venue: If any training is held in the training room of Mukti whether its own or outside, Mukti will receive fare/charge of training room as per organization rule. Mukti can arrange training for its beneficiaries in the project areas the venue/place may be any school, club, and hall room of any organization or any other suitable place. If venue charge is allocated in the project budget it will be paid.
Training Need Assessment (TNA)
Training needs will be assessed through the job evaluation, performance appraisal process, and close monitoring of the work of the staff by his/her line managers. At the same time the training opportunities are identified and staff members are notified about their training needs. The PC, Department/Unit head, based on the inputs of the line manager, will assess the training needs of their staff. Training needs for all the staff should be shared with the HR for His/her information and record. All training, using MNSUS’s fund or time, are subject to the organizational need and should be within the budgetary level. Selection of employees for training
It is the responsibility of the line manager to decide when or who should receive training. Final Selection and approval will be made by the line manager and Executive Director or designate. All training (especially external ones) must be informed to HR department for information. In-country visits for the respective MNSUS office will be coordinated and managed by the line. Managers or supervisors and the HR department. Probationary staffs are normally not eligible for a long workshop or training course (longer than 1 week). Any exception to this should be agreed by the Executive Director or designate.
Training Report
- (a) Upon completion of training a staff will be required to submit a Complete Training Report. This includes participation in inter-agency. Meetings on specific subjects, special in-house training (but not the Normal fortnightly or monthly staff meetings), and external/ international training. The content of this report will include only the main points of the training.
- (b) If asked by the line manager, a detailed visit report for field trips, and especially visit to other NGOs and other country programmes, should be submitted.
- (c) Any staff who participates in meeting, workshops, and discussion session will share with concerned staff of their project office.
- (d) Staff who attend on the aboard training is required to give a short presentation in front of all staff in their convenience.
Training Indemnity:
As part of the staff and organizational development activities, MNSUS may at times decide to send a designated staff person for trainings and/ or further studies both abroad as well as at local level. MNSUS will bear the full/ partial costs of the trainings/studies for this. However, the designated staff sponsored for the trainings/studies is required to sign a bond with MNSUS that requires to work with MNSUS for a certain period after the training, or in Lieu of fulfilling the commitment to work, he/she will undertake an obligation to repay a Portion of the cost of the training. Indemnity will not be applicable to attending any seminar, workshop or cross-visits; Conferences or symposia arranged by any international organization.
Length of Agreement:
Within the country:
Less than 2 Weeks or 112 hours within the country – No agreement.
2-4 Weeks or 113- 224 hours within the country – 6 months’ agreement must be applicable.
One month plus or 224 hours plus within the country –1 year- Agreement must be applicable.
Outside of the country:
Less than 2 Weeks or 112 hours outside of the country – 6 months -No agreement
2-4Weeks or 113- 224 hours outside of the country – 1 year- Agreement must be applicable.
One month plus or 224 hours plus outside of the country –1-2 year- Agreement must be applicable.
Final classification of a training (considering nature, duration and cost) as to the length of agreement will be decided by HR department. If the staff works for the full period established by the agreement, he/she would be free from any further obligation.
Reimbursing the cost of training:
If an employee (who took aboard training and signed on the indemnity) fails to continue to work with MNSUS according to the period mentioned on the indemnity will compensate the prorated training cost, salary and benefits, pardium, lodging and conveyance incurred by the Organization.