Towards Irregularities Policy

MNSUS maintains a policy of “MNSUS Policy towards Irregularities” in regard to financial and programming irregularities. This policy is in line with the true spirit of partnering, which is based on mutual trust, accountability and transparency. Financial and programming irregularities, also known in MNSUS as “defalcation” or “misappropriation”, refer, but are not limited to:

  • Any dishonest or fraudulent act or violation of clause/clauses in the signed Agreement;

  • Forgery or alteration of any document or account (including but not limited to timesheet, payroll and associated leave records and accounts, travel and expense reports, advance reports and account, procurement documents, inventory records);

  • Forgery or alteration of a check, bank draft, or any other financial documents;

  • Misappropriation of funds, commodities, supplies, spare parts, project materials and equipment, or other assets:

  • Impropriety in the handling or reporting of money, financial transactions, or bidding procedures:

  • Accepting or seeking anything above nominal material value from vendors or persons providing services/materials (this does not apply to calendars, agendas, etc.);

  • Destruction or misappropriation of records, furniture, fixtures, or equipment;

  • Diversion, alteration, or mismanagement of documents or information, and/or any similar or related irregularity.

  • Unauthorized deduction or underhand dealing with any party.

If it is revealed that the PO is providing less salary than what is charging to MNSUS Project or realizing any money from the salary of any staff or deducting any non-refundable salary, MNSUS may terminate the partnership immediately.

If any complain received in writing from any person/s in employment or ex-employment in PO, that the said PO is (was) providing less salary than what is (was) charging and/or realizing any money by the PO from the staff in underhand dealing, the issue shall be dealt with the Policy Towards Irregularities and if it is apparent or proved, the partnership shall be terminated instantly and will be blacklisted in the MNSUS Database.

It is impossible to build a successful partnership when either of the two organizations allows or routinely practices the above acts. Therefore, MNSUS Policy of “Policy towards Irregularities” will apply to any partner or sub-partner that has been judged to have committed any of these actions consciously, purposefully, and with the knowledge of the organization’s Executive Staff. Once such acts have been detected and verified, the partnership in question will be summarily terminated and all ties with the organization will be severed.

However, if the nature of the defalcation is such that the partnership is not terminated, a plan to rectify the irregularities must be developed by the organization. This plan will then be approved and monitored by MNSUS Senior Management. Then, if the monitoring process indicates that the plan has not been implemented properly or within the stated time frame, the partnership will be terminated at that point.

MNSUS encourages all of its partners to seek to detect and deal with financial irregularities internally, before they are identified by an external auditor. Such efforts will be supported by special coaching and on-the-job training provided by MNSUS.

Towards Irregularities Policy

MNSUS maintains a policy of “MNSUS Policy towards Irregularities” in regard to financial and programming irregularities. This policy is in line with the true spirit of partnering, which is based on mutual trust, accountability and transparency. Financial and programming irregularities, also known in MNSUS as “defalcation” or “misappropriation”, refer, but are not limited to:

  • Any dishonest or fraudulent act or violation of clause/clauses in the signed Agreement;

  • Forgery or alteration of any document or account (including but not limited to timesheet, payroll and associated leave records and accounts, travel and expense reports, advance reports and account, procurement documents, inventory records);

  • Forgery or alteration of a check, bank draft, or any other financial documents;

  • Misappropriation of funds, commodities, supplies, spare parts, project materials and equipment, or other assets:

  • Impropriety in the handling or reporting of money, financial transactions, or bidding procedures:

  • Accepting or seeking anything above nominal material value from vendors or persons providing services/materials (this does not apply to calendars, agendas, etc.);

  • Destruction or misappropriation of records, furniture, fixtures, or equipment;

  • Diversion, alteration, or mismanagement of documents or information, and/or any similar or related irregularity.

  • Unauthorized deduction or underhand dealing with any party.

If it is revealed that the PO is providing less salary than what is charging to MNSUS Project or realizing any money from the salary of any staff or deducting any non-refundable salary, MNSUS may terminate the partnership immediately.

If any complain received in writing from any person/s in employment or ex-employment in PO, that the said PO is (was) providing less salary than what is (was) charging and/or realizing any money by the PO from the staff in underhand dealing, the issue shall be dealt with the Policy Towards Irregularities and if it is apparent or proved, the partnership shall be terminated instantly and will be blacklisted in the MNSUS Database.

It is impossible to build a successful partnership when either of the two organizations allows or routinely practices the above acts. Therefore, MNSUS Policy of “Policy towards Irregularities” will apply to any partner or sub-partner that has been judged to have committed any of these actions consciously, purposefully, and with the knowledge of the organization’s Executive Staff. Once such acts have been detected and verified, the partnership in question will be summarily terminated and all ties with the organization will be severed.

However, if the nature of the defalcation is such that the partnership is not terminated, a plan to rectify the irregularities must be developed by the organization. This plan will then be approved and monitored by MNSUS Senior Management. Then, if the monitoring process indicates that the plan has not been implemented properly or within the stated time frame, the partnership will be terminated at that point.

MNSUS encourages all of its partners to seek to detect and deal with financial irregularities internally, before they are identified by an external auditor. Such efforts will be supported by special coaching and on-the-job training provided by MNSUS.