Notice & Announcement

Terms of Reference (ToR) for

Project Development goal:
The project Development goal is ‘Women are leading a dignified life and their equal rights are established.’
The project envisions to ‘improved situations of direct target beneficiaries’ through gender sensitivities in DTBFs (direct target beneficiaries’ families) and communities and incidents of (a) equal treatments to girls and boys; (b) child marriage; (c) VAW; (d) dowry; (e) illegal divorces. And have three indicators to measure the result which are as following-
Project Objectives:
Objective 1: Reduced incidents of physical, mental and structural Violence against Women in the project areas.
Indicator: 1.1 By end of project period, incidents of VAW, dowry, child marriage, illegal divorce and unequal treatment to daughters (as compared to that to sons) reduced in DTBFs by at least 75% of old operation areas (Villages) and by at least 45% in DTBFs at new operational areas (Village)
Indicator: 1.2 By end of project period, reunion of husbands and wives of at least 65% of total cases handled by the project through its four offices have been affected. (Cases of separately living couples because of lack of adjustment, women driven out from their house with or without children after torture.
Objective 2: Youth in the project area are active in promoting Gender Justice and reduction of VAW.
Indicator: 2.1 By end of project period, at least 40% of Male and 50% of female DTBAs (direct target beneficiary adolescents) have disseminated importance and necessity of equal treatment to daughters and sons and reduction of EVE teasing and harassment to girls in project operation areas.
Purpose, Scope and Clients of the Evaluation Purpose
The overall purpose of this mid-term evaluation is to ensure that progress and results of the project are monitored, analyzed, understood, communicated and acted upon in a timely, efficient and result-oriented manner by a comprehensive assessment of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the project intervention. The specific objectives of the assignment are to-
- Assess progress of the project objectives and results identify key challenges and factors that might have impact over the project and its implementation process.
- Provide findings and recommendations to adjustments of the project’s strategy and plan in the second half of the current span of the project
The evaluation will cover the period from April’21 to March 2023, to create an accurate and comprehensive picture of the project progress status consultant/firm should work within the following
- Review the existing document of the project;
- Project periodic reports;
- Baseline report;
- Discuss with the targeted beneficiaries and relevant stakeholder;
- Discuss with MUKTI management and project personnel.
Evaluation criteria and key questions
The evaluation will examine the project implementation against the hereunder criteria by addressing the following questions. The evaluator will use a detailed framework to extract the ground reality based on the given questions.

The evaluator should adopt a mix method consisting of participatory approach to collect necessary data, analysis and produce a quality report. The intendant methods could be FGD, KII, IDI, document review, case story collection and multi-stakeholder consultations.
The evaluator should come up with the following deliverables-Detailed evaluation plan with methodology and data collection tools (survey questionnaire/checklist) and get endorsement from the project team before commencing the data collection process.
• An inception report outlining the approach/ methodology and execution of programs/timetable. This report shall be submitted for review and approval by project holder five working days after the signature of the contract before commencement of the work.
• A comprehensive and analytical Evaluation Draft Report with in-depth description shall be submitted within five days after completion of the field work.
• Presentation of the key findings of the draft report through workshop
• All materials produced for the Evaluation and raw data of SPSS, Excel and Word in soft form in CD Rom.
Evaluation report
The evaluation report should be comprised of at least the following chapters:
- Title page
- Table of contents
- Executive summary
- Body of the report:
- Project background
- Evaluation background
- Methodology
- Main findings
- Coordination and communication assessment
- Conclusions
- Lessons learnt and emerging good practices
- Recommendations
- Appendices
The main evaluation report should be concise and not exceed 25 pages, excluding annexes (supporting data and details can be included in annexes).
Supports from the Mukti Nari and work plan
Supports from the Mukti Nari
- Mukti Nari will provide all necessary documents, data and information felt necessary and asked for the purpose of carrying out this assignment by the consultants.
- The project staffs will extend required cooperation in carrying out the evaluation and arrange all meetings with all concerned as mentioned in this ToR and a required by the evaluation team during the process of performance of the assignment.
- The Mukti Nari will extend all necessary cooperation and supports to the consultant evaluation team for proper execution of the assignment.
Time frame for the evaluation

Mukti Nari has a budget provision of BDT 750,000 (Seven lac Fifty thousand) taka including Vat & Tax for the said evaluation (All others cost like fees of the consultant, travel, food, accommodation and printing & stationeries etc.)
Payment mode for the consultancy service will be on the following basis:
- First installment of 40% upon submission of the inception report
- Second installment of 40% upon receipt of the draft report.
- Final installment of 20% upon satisfactory acceptance of the final report
Relevant experience of the evaluator/firm
- Bachelor or master degree in a relevant discipline
- At least 5 years of experience in evaluating international cooperation projects
- Experience in evaluating BftW projects to be added as an
Required document
All applications must include the following documents:
- An outline of the Evaluation design,
- Detailed work plan,
- Detailed budget,
- Up to date CVs of the involved researchers,
- Cover letter
- At least two references for all involved researchers,
- And work samples of at least one report/academic paper that was completed for a recent evaluation of a development cooperation project.
Applications should be sent to Mukti Nari before 15 June 2023,
using the following subject: Mid-term evaluation – EWRRVW by .
If you do not receive a response one month after the application deadline, please consider that your application has not been shortlisted.

Job Description (JD)
Name of the Project: SUSHIL: Supporting the Unity and Sustainability of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to uphold Human rights, national Integrity, and rule of Law in Bangladesh.
Designation: District Coordinator.
Location of Posting: District Level.
Type of Contract: Contractual
Duration: Up to December 2023 and extension depending on availability of fund.
Number of Position: 01
Job Summary
The District Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating, consolidating, and ensuring smooth implementation of program and operations’ activities and adherence to logistic, human resource, administration, and security procedures. He/she will coordinate all the CSOs and CSO members to support basic Capacity development, event facilitation, CSO mobilization, dissemination of information and encourage access to project information and service. The district Coordinator is required to adhere to human rights, rights-based approach, peace, and conflicts, CSO and good governance, gender justice as well as digital security. At the regional/district level, the district Coordinator will report to the FSTP organization management. The District Coordinator will coordinate the CSOs to support them and their alliances to carry out their work and advance their mandates.
Key Responsibilities (not limited to):
- The District Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating overall day-to-day Management of CSO mobilization activities, implementation and developing draft plans and following up with CSOs.
- Facilitate all project related activities from Dhaka coordination of co-applicant and other knowledge partner, capacity development of CSOs. Organizing events, training at district level.
- Depending on the context and project needs, the district Coordinator will implement the district strategy integrating different GOB authorities and legal service providers, etc. programs in collaboration with AAB. The District Coordinator will provide general support, guidance, and serve as focal point during program planning, grant writing, and reporting.
- Ensure that EU guidelines are maintained and enforced while working with CSOs.
- Coordinate in terms of file and store data of the CSOs in compliance with the information sharing protocol developed at the donor level.
- Contribute to the identification of risk of CSOs and ensure proper documentation.
- Coordinate CSOs in terms of providing direct support and identifying vulnerable CSOs including basic information counselling and assessment of CSO needs, developing an action plan and implementing the plan.
- Ensure the principle of HRBA approach in all the engagements.
- Maintain positive coordination and relationship with other partners in the field to promote holistic approach to project implementation and management.
- Liaise with relevant stakeholders to address gaps in CSO activities and services and referral protocols.
- Contribute to the collection of information needed for M&E activities and progress towards indicators.
- The District Coordinator will oversee opening, closing and/or regular running of one or more bases including management of all or part of CSOs, program support activities, administration, and security of the base as well as coordination with different on the base level. He/She will also coordinate to ensure that to all procedures and donor regulations applicable to projects implemented in the regions with regards to program, logistics, security, HR, and administration are closely followed.
Educational Qualification and experiences:
- Master’s/bachelor’s degree in social science, political science, Law or related field.
- Substantial knowledge regarding program management on field level.
- Minimum three years’ experience working with NGOs, grassroot CSOs, social service, HRBA, and advocacy.
Technical Skills:
- Good communication and representative skills and ability to conduct training and awareness.
- Excellent Computer skills
- Good organizational and management skills
- Ability to multitask and deal with stressful situations.
- Ability to adapt within the working environment.
- Ability to work in a team setting.
- Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
- Excellent interpersonal communication skills.
- Experience in participatory planning, implementation, and monitoring
- Team player with strong experience in multi-cultural and multi-ethnic environments.
- Good experience in working with INGOs and CSOs is preferred.