Physical Address: 22/1, Titumir Road, Thanapara, Kushtia, Bangladesh.
Mobile: +88-01716406976
To established human right focusing women and child right and a congenial atmosphere for women development through ensuring good governance and developing skilled human rights.
- To enable people especially women to difference are legal and human right at the local level.
- To increased Awareness towards accountability at the local decision making processes and services.
- To developed human resources and improved livelihood.
Mukti nari O shishu Unnayan Sangstha is working to change a view of women empowerment and their participation is the most important elements of development strategy. These are clearly reflected in all the program activities of THE ORGANIZATION. These elements of gender sensitivity are observed not only at the level of the people at the grassroots with whom the organization works, but also at the level of its staff members since acceptation. Equal rights for women have been emphasized both in the administrative and staff policy as well as policies related to different development programs. Though much headway has been made in securing women’s equal participation in all activities at the grassroots which have approved the status of the poor but due to some objective realities same level of achievement would not be attained within the organization itself. The formulation of this comprehensive gender policy is mean of the specific measures undertaken to deal with whatever gender gap that exists in the organization. The present policy is an improvement upon the previous administrative and staff policy and it incorporates some new measures, which would provide further opportunities for all employee of the organization.
Organization Level
Establish a friendly atmosphere in working areas where all staffs (male & Female) can take part equally in development process.
- To ensure equality among all level (male & Female) staff of Mukti.
- To ensure equal rights dignity and opportunities among all level of staff and their equal participation in all activities.
- To create a friendly and right-based environment to change and improve the status of women in the society.
- To undertake affirmative action’s considering the historically created social backwardness and deprivation as well as specific needs of women.
Areas of the policies:
Affirmative actions have been undertaken for the female staff in the following areas:
- Recruitment, leave, promotion, posting, transfer, termination and dismissal;
- Financial and other material benefits;
- Infrastructural and some other special benefits;
- Staff development;
- Specific problems of the female staff;
- Values and code of conduct, Workload; (Equal Rights, Ministration Period, Pregnancy Period, Breast feeding)
- Workload; (Equal Rights, Ministration Period, Pregnancy Period, Breast feeding)
- Information flow;
- Monitoring & Evaluation;
Recruitment, leave, promotion, posting, transfer, termination and dismissal
In the existing recruiting recruitment policy certain rules are equally applicable in case of the male and female staff. However to increase the number of female staff the following affirmative actions have been taken:
1.1 Recruitment
The recruitment will proceed as per personal policy with the handle by the recruitment committee.
- Recruitment must be balanced with the gender and it is minimum 50% for the female. The number of female staff in the organization will be increased gradually; this increase will be at the field level as well as at all other levels of management.
- Priority will be given to female candidates with equal educational qualification but relaxation in experience for the case of recruitment.
- It must include at least 3 female members in 5 member recruitment committee.
- For the recruitment of female staff the qualifying marks for both written and viva voce will be 50, while it will be consider marks 5 for female candidate.
- To achieve the target of increasing female staff, if necessary, applications will be incited from female candidates only.
- In case of applicant must mention mother’s name in his/her application along with father’s name.
1.2 Leave:
The policy for annual leave, medical leave and casual leave are the same for both male and female staff. But there is a provision for maternity / paternity leave for the female staff, which if follows:
A female staff will be entitled Two times of maternity leave with full pay as per Govt. rule(4 month) during child birth and if necessary, medical leave, annual leave and leave without pay may be added to his leave by approval or the authority. Moreover any female staff lost her one children of two then 3rd times she will get maternity leave. But Mukti will offer 3 months (90 days) leave with pay according to capacity of the organization. If he needs more leaves she can enjoy further leaves without pay.
Mukti give mental support to his wife during childbirth and the succeeding days for postnatal care, here is also a provision for paternity leave for the male staff as given under:
Mukti Nari O shishu Unnayan Sangstha male staff will be entitled to 10 (Ten) days paternity leave with full pay during the period of childbirth of his wife.
1.3 Promotion:
Promotion can be defined as per gender basis where female is highly encouraged indication may be follow if service rule.
1.4 Posting and transfer:
The rules of posting and transfer are same for the male and female staff/ But the following exceptions will be made for the female staff:
The female staff can be deputed in the nearest locality on aspect of communication with her locality and community easily.
At the time of posting and transfer of a female employee the workstation and place of residence of the husband/parents are to be taken into consideration.
During the period of pregnancy, i.e. from the first month till the fifth month after childbirth, the female staff is not to be transferred from her work place.
1.5 Dismissal:
Organization ensures highest honor, dignity and individual freedom of all staffs (male & female) especially female staffs. If any female staff is harassed physically, Mentally, Verbally or Sexually in and outside her workplace and she complains written and if it is proved through proper investigation then the accused face punishment or may be terminated as per organization rules. And if all staff either male of female is involved with harmful activities of the organization authority can take punishment measures.
Financial and other material benefits:
All staffs will be entitled to equal pay scale, house rent, travel allowance, increment, training allowance, overseas travel allowance, transportation expense, medical facilities, telephone (According to Service rule) etc.
A female staff occupying the posting of Program coordinator (PC) or any female worker of the equivalent rank will be entitled to an official transport for field visit. Even a female employee below the rand of PC may able an office vehicle for field visits with the approval of the Executive Director or the Director.
Infrastructural and other special benefits:
Some infrastructural and special facilities to be offered by the organization to the female staff are as follows:
- There will be separate toilets for the female staff in all other offices of the Organization.
- While attending training a female participant will be allowed to bring her baby along with her to the training center. She may also bring an attendant with her and all expenses on account of that are to be bared by the organization. (If Mukti is solvent)
Staff development
For staff development, THE ORGANIZATION sends staff members to different institutions for skill development and provides opportunities to participate in training course, seminars and workshops both at home and abroad. Participation of female staff in these staff development initiatives in ensured in proportion to gender-wise numerical strength in the organization and to ensure that the female staffs at the field level are not deprived of these facilities.
Measures for Solving Specific Problems of the Female Staff
A cell has been crated to ensure gender equality within the organization. The Major functions of the cell are to identify the problems faced by the female staff, take necessary steps to address those and forward recommendations to the management.
Values and code of conduct
– Gender equity is one of the core values of the organization. All staffs of Mukti should believe this value.
– There will be no gender division of work in the organization. Opportunity to participate in all works remains equally open irrespective of gender.
– Any comment made directly or indirectly, which may cause humiliation to the female staff, is considered as a punishable offence.
– To create a congenial working atmosphere for both male and female staff, a set code of conduct has been prepared. All staff of Mukti must abide by this code of conduct.
– To provide proper orientation about gender issues, the training on women and development (offered by the organization) has been made mandatory for all its staff members.
Workload; (equal rights, ministration period, Pregnancy period, Feeding)
Organization will take role in the workload areas, which are as follows:
Equal right: As per service rule
Ministration period: During the period of ministration female staff will be permitted to do deskwork.
Pregnancy period: As per service rule
Brest feeding: In future organization will arrange a day care center.
Information flow
A committee on gender will collect all sorts of information collectively from bottom to super level in order to overcome misappropriation of any incident against men and women of the organization.
Monitoring & Evaluation
A regular time basis of monitoring will be arranged with the help of proper specific guideline and indicators to assess the present gender situation which is friendly or not. In that assessment a format will be developed involving some common issues and indicators, after having the information the disciplinary committee will take proper initiative and necessary action as per rule. Yearly evaluation will be arranged.
Program Level
Goal :
To ensure equality / empowerment relation among males and females in the taken-proposed program/ project.
To ensure female active participation and sharing in the every sphere of project prioritizing females’ basic needs and strategic interest through analysis.
Project Planning
- To ensure gender analysis during project planning.
- To give priority of women basic need and strategic interest in planning.
- To eliminate social and cultural constraints of ensuring women’s participation in the project.
- To ensure equal participation and role of female in the implementation of the project.
- To ensure access of female to information during implementation of the project.
- To increase the efficiency of female for active participation and role in implementing of the project.
Monitoring and evaluation:
- To ensure equal participation of female in monitoring and evaluation of the project.
- To use specific form /frame containing gender sensitive indicator for monitoring and evaluation.
- To ensure collection of gender based information and analyze progress of the project on the basis of collected information monitoring and evaluation.
- To bring necessary change in the project for affirmative change of female’s condition and position on the basis of females’ basic needs, strategic interest and gender based information collected during Monitoring and evaluation.
Impact study
- To ensure used of gender sensitive indicator (Qualitative and quantitative).
- In analyzing impact of the project female’s active participation and sharing can be ensured through following PRA.
- To analyze the noticeable change in the females condition and position due to implementation of the project.
Policy Implementation and Monitoring
An individual division will have for implementation the total activities of the organization smoothly. It consists of at least 5 members including minimum 2 female members in different level of the organization.
The division will collect all kinds of information through the flow of collection methods and take necessary action.
Every Six month the committee will must be shared and accumulate the information and get together for discussion in a session.
Discussion on various agenda according to the collective information and therefore solve and recommend for cases to the existing authority for take necessary action and implementation.
The Division takes initiative to take role for gender awareness through various campaigns and information dissemination among the working area. Each meeting can publish a circular and decision of the meeting to the all level of the officers.
Division will arrange orientation course on gender among the all level of staffs of the organization.
The rules must be followed the annual planning of the organization.
A monitoring cell will be formed and the always guided by the Gender division, they will work need of the organization aspect with the help of proper monitoring tools and indicator setting.